IVAC 2006 May in Za'ba Residential College, Universiti Malaya :) Please move mouse on photo for captions and click on the + sign to increase movement of slide.

Wednesday, November 29, 2006

      What can I do?

What can I do?
We shall provide you with a few simple facts that you could remember :)

Step 1:

on World
Image hosted at bigoo MySpace MySpace Myspace layouts Day, u could try making your own Red Ribbon and pin it on your shirt or dress, handbags and or anywhere you like!

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Apart from wearing a red ribbon on his shirt, IVAC Director Gerald Soh has a red ribbon even for his car!

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Giant Red Ribbon! [IVAC 2006 May, in Universiti Malaya; Join the fun in Universiti Putra Malaysia in February 2007]

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Everyone in this photo is wearing a Red Ribbon! :) [Serdang IVAC Community Outing]

Step 2:

you may come across many people who will be asking --- "Eh...AIDS ar u?" or "why are u wearing a red ribbon?" or "why show me the AIDS face?" etc.

now why do we wear red ribbons?
There are a few easy ways to remember why.
ACC (remember account) ---> to show Awareness, Care and Concern towards people living with HIV/AIDS (PLWHA).

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or u may aso remember SSP (the Soursop fruit)
this is a symbol or sign that shows that together, we can STOP the SPREAD of HIV and end PREJUDICE.

wearing a red ribbon also means that you understand the issue underlying the HIV/AIDS and that you would like to make a difference.

if you own a blog or a website, u may get a virtual red ribbon

To read more about the history of the Red Ribbon, please click here

please take note that one should never think that he/she is NOT at risk.
your behaviour puts you at risk.
you may never know if the tall, dark and handsome guy/ beautiful young and cute girl u're dating had been having sex with how many partners.
do u think he/she would honest with you about his/her sexual partners anyway?

Step 3:
Encourage them to wear a red ribbon too!


Courtesy of the WORLD AIDS DAY website...

you may...

i) Break the silence (by explaining to your friends and family on HIV/AIDS awareness issues)
ii) Campaign (Join compaigns :) I will be volunteering for Pink Triangle Foundation in conjunction with World AIDS Day in KL next week)
iii) Donate (Send your donations to Malaysian AIDS Council, Malaysian AIDS Foundation or even IVAC - to help raise our fund to conduct our conference in UPM February 2007)
iv) Get the Red ribbon

Wear a Red Ribbon today! :)


At February 9, 2010 at 7:52:00 AM GMT+8 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

nice one, i just brought even more fresh emo backgrounds to my blog


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